Breakthrough level (Principiante/Beginner), Council of Europe: A1
Description A1: Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him / her and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Verbs: Parts of be, have, have got. There is/are. Positive imperative forms. Positive, negative and question forms. Short answers. Present simple. Present continuous with present meaning. Modal: Must, have to for obligation. Can for ability and permission. Let’s. There was/were. Negative imperative forms. Present continuous with future meaning. Past simple tense with regular verbs. Irregular past simple tenses; be going to for prediction and intention. Can for possibility.
Nominal Group Countable and uncountable nouns. Singular nouns and plural nouns with -s. Common irregular plural nouns. Possessive form ( 's) and ( s').
Pronouns: Personal subject, direct object and indirect object. Demonstrative: this, that, these, those (also as determiners). Interrogative: Who? What? Which? (also determiner). It (+be ) in impersonal expressions.
Determiners: Articles: a, an, the or zero+ noun phrase. Cardinal numbers (also as pronouns) 1-1000. Ordinal numbers (for dates) 1st – 31st. Possessives. Quantifiers: some, any, a little, a lot of, much, many.
Adjectives: Simple adjectives (attributive and predicative).
Adverbs: Adverbs of frequency, place and time. Adjective+-ly. Interrogatives: Where? When? Why? How (much / many)? Intensifier: very. Additive: too.
Conjunctions: And, but, or to join words, phrases, clauses, because to join clauses.
Sentence Structure Sentences of one clause, – subject + verb; subject + verb + object; simple sentences introduced by:There is/are, it is. Simple questions with yes/no answers. Two clauses joined with and, but or or, because. Questions beginning with wh-words.
There is a graded reading level for Starters with CDs to improve English morphology and syntax accor-ding to the Syllabus, boost Phonetics and increase the vocabulary in a easy way.
Hay lectura graduada en inglés para Principiantes con CDs para comprender mejor la morfología y la sintaxis inglesa según el programa de estudio, aumentar el vocabulario de un modo más rápido y mejorar la pronunciación.